New businesses programs

South Florida provides ideal conditions for launching new businesses for foreign and local companies. It is a vibrant economy with a dynamic market and unique benefits within the USA, thanks to a large, constant supply of funds and people from all around the World. It is an extraordinary social and commercial hub that draws the attention from many countries and cultures, particularly from Latin America and Europe.

Investment Projects and Strategic Analysis

It is virtually impossible to achieve success in business without a proper project and a plan. Every bright idea needs a road map to take it from the drawing board to the right market. It needs to conceptualize its overall development, establish goals and tasks, and plan its financing and support. Large or small, each project needs a tactical, strategic and financial assessment to quantify its chances and true potential.

Business Plans

New companies and concepts (product or service) need a business plan that will guide them through every stage of the process, from launching to maximum growth. Our professional staff will design a BP considering all aspects, variables and stages for your venture and will determine its economic value (that is, if it is profitable or not). It will create its “road-to-market”, a step by step process to follow by your team. Or if you wish, we can also be with you along the life of the project, assisting or managing the implementation.

Launching and Business Development in the US

If you are considering launching or establishing your company or project in the US, make sure to get adequate professional advice beforehand. Operating efficiently in this market carries a steep learning curve. The most common mistake -and a very expensive one!- for foreign companies and new entrepreneurs is to start up their local business without proper technical knowledge and support. It increases exponentially the chances of failing, and the consequences are generally significant and lasting. When a company misses the unique opportunity of entering and positioning itself correctly in the market, it very seldom tries it a second time. The overall impact is too severe. Recovering from bad image, negative reviews, or poor commercial practices makes rebuilding a business and gathering new necessary funding for a second attempt an almost impossible task.

We can help. Contact us.

We will create a thorough Investment Project supported by a detailed Business Plan, a market penetration strategy with projected cash flows and required funds so you can put it in action!

And if you choose it, we can engage in the operational management of your company for the time it be necessary to establish your venture solidly in the market. We offer a complete menu of options for on-going business too.

We will be with you before, during and after your start-up in the USA, ensuring your company or service receives the necessary technical assistance for a successful launching.

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